# The USE variable is used to enable optional build-time functionality. For
# example, quite a few packages have optional X, gtk or GNOME functionality
# that can only be enabled or disabled at compile-time. Gentoo Linux has a
# very extensive set of USE variables described in our USE variable HOWTO at
# http://www.gentoo.org/doc/use-howto.html
# The available list of use flags with descriptions is in your portage tree.
# Use 'less' to view them:  --> less /usr/portage/profiles/use.desc <--
# 'ufed' is an ncurses/dialog interface available in portage to make handling
# useflags for you. 'emerge app-admin/ufed'
#USE="-gtk -gnome
#     mmx sse mpi nptl posix readline
#     kerberos prelude ssl crypt encode pam tcpd vhosts
#     ipv6 apache2 ldap
#     bash-completion unicode mime bzlib cups
#     acpi usb wifi
#     X qt kde alsa cdr dvdr emacs emacs-w3 nls pdflib spell
#     emboss ginac gpm
#     v4l xmms"
# Per-package  USE  flags.  Useful for tracking local USE flags or for
# enabling USE flags for only certain packages.  Perhaps  you  develop
# GTK and thus you want documentation for it, but you don't want docu-
# mentation for QT.  Easy as pie my friend!
# Format:
# - comments begin with #
# - one DEPEND atom per line followed by list of USE flags
# Example:
# turn on docs for GTK 2.x
# =x11-libs/gtk+-2* doc
# disable mysql support for QT
# x11-libs/qt -mysql

 app-cdr/cdrtools               on-the-fly-crypt
 app-cdr/k3b                    doc
 app-editors/vim                doc
 app-emulation/dosemu           svga
 app-emulation/qemu             sdl softmmu
 app-emulation/wine             jpeg gif -doc
 app-misc/mc                    7zip -ncurses -samba slang unicode
 app-mobilephone/gnokii         irda sms
 app-shells/bash                examples
 app-shells/tcsh                examples

 dev-db/postgresql              pg-hier
 dev-embedded/gnap              minimal
 dev-embedded/gnap-dev          minimal
 dev-lang/python                examples tcltk
 dev-lang/perl                  examples -ithreads
 dev-lang/ruby                  examples
 dev-lang/gnu-smalltalk         examples gtk2
 dev-lang/tcl                   examples
 dev-lang/tk                    examples
 dev-libs/DirectFB              fbcon -fusion gif jpeg mpeg sysfs
 dev-php/php                    examples flash hardenedphp postgres
 dev-util/kdevelop              examples

 kde-base/kde                   hal
 kde-base/kdebase               samba
 kde-base/kdegraphics           scanner
 kde-base/kdelibs               zeroconf
 kde-base/kdenetwork            samba
 kde-base/kdepim                gnokii pda

 mail-mta/postfix               doc

 media-video/mplayer            theora xvid avi bl divx4linux vcd v4l2 rtc lzo custom-cflags
 media-video/transcode          theora xvid avi divx4linux vcd
 media-sound/xmms               acc bmp flac mad mp3 mpeg ogg vorbis

 net-analyzer/nagios-plugins    nagios-dns nagios-ntp nagios-ping nagios-ssh
 net-analyzer/rrdtool           -perl -tcltk
 net-dns/bind                   idn
 net-fs/samba                   quotas libclamav
 net-misc/openssh               X509 chroot
 net-print/cups                 slp
 net-www/apache                 doc

# Sintific programs:
 sci-astronomy/stellarium       examples
 sci-astronomy/tkseti           examples
 sci-astronomy/xephem           examples
 sci-biology/embassy            examples
 sci-biology/emboss             examples
 sci-chemistry/ghemical         examples
 sci-chemistry/gromacs          examples
 sci-chemistry/kemistry         examples
 sci-chemistry/raster3d         examples
 sci-electronics/electric       examples
 sci-electronics/geda           examples
 sci-electronics/xcircuit       examples
 sci-geosciences/grass          examples
 sci-geosciences/vis5d+         examples
 sci-mathematics/kalamaris      examples
 sci-mathematics/koctave        examples
 sci-misc/qcad                  examples
 sci-misc/gri                   examples

 sys-apps/busybox               floppyboot netboot savedconfig
 sys-apps/xinetd                example
 sys-cluster/drbd               doc
# sys-cluster/heartbeat         ldirectord
 sys-cluster/lam-mpi            examples
 sys-cluster/torque             examples
 sys-devel/gcc                  examples fortran
 sys-libs/glibc                 userlocales nptlonly

 www-servers/tomcat             examples
 www-client/links               fbcon svga

 x11-base/xorg-x11              bitmap-fonts font-server truetype-fonts type1-fonts opengl xv
 x11-libs/qt                    examples