22. Екран облікового запису відвідувача

This screen is very useful for a number of different reasons. Let's first discuss what it contains, and what its contents mean to you. In the membership record box, you'll note the patron's name and address. Note that the Patron's Preferred name or Nickname is listed FIRST. This is great to know so that you don't accidentally call someone by the wrong name if they are at the desk. Their full name will be in parentheses.

The card number is the number that you, the Library, assign to a patron. This number is different from the number that Koha assigns a patron, which is listed under Membership number. Phone, fax, email and all that good stuff are here, too. Whether a patron is current on paying their annual fee is listed here, as well. My library does not charge any fees, so the default $30/year paid is shown. Don't worry if you don't charge, you'll see this anyway.

The expiration of the card is next and the branch they signed up for a card at. This is followed by some more personal information. Next come a number of important green buttons. They are labeled:

  • Додати дитину;
  • Змінити;
  • Видалити;
  • Змінити пароль; та
  • Змінити користувацькі позначки.

These are all very, very useful and important.

Додати дитину

You would select this option by clicking on it if a patron wanted their child to use the same card, provided that your library allows that.

The window that results from this selection is much shorter than the average Add Member screen, but all of the options that are in the Add Child screen have previously been covered under Add Member. So nothing should be scary or new to you.


Modify is what you select if you accidentally spell someone's name wrong, or you need to change a person's phone number, email, et cetera. Modify allows you to change whatever personal data you want about a given patron. If you need to add or remove a note, modify is also what you need.


Suppose a member gets added twice, moves on, et cetera and you just don't need his or her data cluttering up your database anymore. You'd delete his or her record. Don't worry about hitting this selection by accident, because Koha will ask for confirmation before you really delete the record. However, ONCE YOU DELETE A RECORD, YOU CANNOT GET IT BACK AGAIN.

Змінити пароль

Використовуйте це якщо відвідувач забув свій пароль. Koha згенерує пароль для Вас, проте Ви можете спокійно поміняти ту абракадабру що Коха пропонує. You can also change a member's username login from this screen. Both of these things are great features because you can let a user select something that they will remember but is unique to them.

Змінити користувацькі позначки

It is critical that you understand how these permissions work so that users only have access to the parts of the database that you want them to have access to. Most of the time, you won't need to modify a patron's flags. This is especially true if they don't wish to use the catalogue at home to request books. The flags you can set are:

superlibrarian : Access to all librarian functions
This is fine to give to your systems administrator. However, you probably don't want your patrons to have this much access. You might not even want to give this level of access to all of your staff. Think carefully before you let anyone have total access like this.

circulate : Circulate books
This is the permission you give to your staff to let you circulate or issue books. If your staff are going to work the circulation desk, they will need permission to circulate books, and you should be sure to check the check box next to this option. Patrons shouldn't have this access level.

catalogue : View Catalogue (Librarian Interface)
This lets you view the purple Catalogue screens. If you don't want someone cataloguing that oughtn't be, then make sure that this option is NOT checked. Obviously, people in technical services SHOULD have this option. Remember, this doesn't only let someone see the books in the catalogue, it lets them modify the records. If someone just wants to search the catalogue, the regular OPAC should suffice. This is not something that patrons should have access to.

parameters : Set Koha system paramters
This is an option that I would think would only be suitable for your systems administrator. There's really no reason to have too many people on staff have this access. However, you will need to let a cataloguer have access to this as the Import in Reservoir option is part of parameters. This is definitely not a permission you want to allow to your patrons.

borrowers : Add or modify borrowers
All staff who man your desks should have access to this option so that they can issue cards and edit borrower records. This is once again a patron no no.

permissions : Set user permissions
This is the option that allows a user to allow other users access to parts of the database. Only systems administrators or people you really trust should have this level of access.

reserveforothers : Reserve books for patrons
This is an option that your staff should have access to so that they may place holds for patrons. Suppose a patron is helping another patron who is homebound. That would be a case where I could see granting this permission to a patron. A teacher could reserve books for kids that they teach. In general, though, it is an option I would reserve for staff.

borrow : Borrow books
Everyone in good standing ought to have access to this feature. If you wanted to make it so that someone COULDN'T borrow, then you would revoke priviledges by unchecking this box.

reserveforself : Reserve books for self
Everyone in good standing again ought to enjoy this feature. I could see having it off if someone is abusive of holds or you reserve books on a fee system or perhaps you disallow reserves entirely.

editcatalogue : Edit Catalogue (Modify bibliographic/holdings data)
This is a permission your cataloguer should enjoy. You don't want your patrons to have this one, or you won't have your sanity too long.

updatecharges : Update borrower charges
This allows a user to change how much money someone owes. I think that it might even allow them to mark an item returned, but I'm not certain.

acquisition : Acquisition and/or suggestion management
Only your head of Acquisitions should have permission to do this.