# 20070330 iptables-server hse@ukr.net
# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2 or later

# Like server in local lan only on spesial interface!

# !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
# need iptables-lo
# !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

# Exampel of iptables script for ppp
# start in: /etc/ppp/ip-up.local
# stop in: /etc/ppp/ip-down.local
# usage: /etc/ppp/iptables-server <dev> <action>
# parametr <action> can be "start" in /etc/ppp/ip-up.local, or "stop" in /etc/ppp/ip-down.local
# parametr <dev> for ppp is "ppp0", for eth0 is eth0..

#  0  *******************       VARIABLE setup   *****************************
# befor runing this script setup configuration of youre network here:


# Check parameters
if ? "$2" == 'stop' 
    if ? `ls /dev/$1 2>&1 
    echo "Device /dev/$1 not exist!!!"
#  exit 1

    # parametr action can be "-A" or "-D" only!!!
    if ?span> <span class="hl opt">
    elif ?span> <span class="hl opt">

    echo 'Usage:
    iptables-server <device> <action>

    iptables-server eth0 start
    iptables-server eth0 stop'
    exit 1

# befor runing this script setup configuration of yore network here:
# begin

#Interface setup

#Ip Address setup

#Interface setup
#Figure out curent ip configuretion
if ?span> <span class="hl opt">
    HostIP=`LANG="POSIX" LC_ALL="" ${ifconfig} ${Interface} |grep 'inet addr' |awk -F: '{ print $2 } ' |awk '{ print $1 }'`
    BroadcastIP=`LANG="POSIX" LC_ALL="" ${ifconfig} ${Interface} |grep ' Bcast:' |awk -F: '{ print $3 } ' |awk '{ print $1 }'`
    NetMask=`LANG="POSIX" LC_ALL="" ${ifconfig} ${Interface} |grep 'inet addr' |awk -F: '{ print $4 } '`
    mkdir -p /etc/iptables/${Interface}
    echo ${HostIP} > /etc/iptables/${Interface}/HostIP
    echo ${BroadcastIP} > /etc/iptables/${Interface}/BroadcastIP
    echo ${NetMask} > /etc/iptables/${Interface}/NetMask
    HostIP=`cat /etc/iptables/${Interface}/HostIP`
    BroadcastIP=`cat /etc/iptables/${Interface}/BroadcastIP`
    NetMask=`cat /etc/iptables/${Interface}/NetMask`


# ISP Servers setup
# DHCP can be: "server", "client" or "static"
# If DHCP='client' you must setup DHCP_SERVER:

#Check for some kernel modules
# Needed to initially load modules
#/sbin/depmod -a
# Required modules
#${modprobe} ip_tables
#${modprobe} ip_conntrack
#${modprobe} iptable_filter
#${modprobe} iptable_mangle
#${modprobe} iptable_nat
#${modprobe} ipt_LOG
#${modprobe} ipt_limit
#${modprobe} ipt_state
#${modprobe} ipt_owner
#${modprobe} ipt_REJECT
#${modprobe} ipt_MASQUERADE
#${modprobe} ip_conntrack_ftp
#${modprobe} ip_conntrack_irc
#${modprobe} ip_nat_ftp
#${modprobe} ip_nat_irc

# Required proc configuration
# Enable forwarding
#echo 1 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward
# no IP spoofing
#if [ -e /proc/sys/net/ipv4/conf/all/rp_filter ]
#  then
#    for i in /proc/sys/net/ipv4/conf/*/rp_filter
#      do
#  echo 1 > $i
#      done
# Disable Source Routed Packets
#for i in /proc/sys/net/ipv4/conf/*/accept_source_route
#  do
#    echo 0 > $i
#  done
#echo 0 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/conf/all/proxy_arp
#echo 0 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_dynaddr

echo " Machine type: ${MACHTYPE}  hostname:  ${HOSTNAME}.${DOMAINNAME}
 Interface=${Interface}  HostIP=${HostIP}  BroadcastIP=${BroadcastIP}  NetMask=${NetMask}"

# Fill free to chang next firewall ruls to youre sute

#   I  *******************       FILTERING TABEL ruls           ****************************

# (0) Policies (default)

${iptables} -t filter -P INPUT DROP
${iptables} -t filter -P OUTPUT DROP
${iptables} -t filter -P FORWARD DROP

# (1) User-defined chains

#${iptables} ${action} TCPRules -p TCP --syn -j ACCEPT
#${iptables} ${action} TCPRules -p TCP -m conntrack --ctstate ESTABLISHED,RELATED -j ACCEPT
# Loging incorect packets:
#${iptables} ${action} TCPRules -p TCP -m limit --limit 5/m -j LOG --log-prefix "iptables tcp INPUT " --log-tcp-options --log-ip-options
# Bann all IP which try acces to other
#${iptables} ${action} TCPRules -p TCP -s ! ${LocalNet} -m recent --name TmpBan --set -j DROP

# (2) INPUT chain rules

# Attempt to detect TCP and UDP port scans!

# Bad Guy list, we will remember them :-)
# echo xx.xx.xx.xx > /proc/net/ipt_recent/DEFAULT
# echo -xx.xx.xx.xx > /proc/net/ipt_recent/DEFAULT
# echo clear > /proc/net/ipt_recent/DEFAULT
# Forever
${iptables} ${action} INPUT -i ${Interface} -m recent --name BadGuy --rcheck -j DROP
# Cache bad TCP
${iptables} ${action} INPUT -p TCP -i ${Interface} -s ! ${LocalNet} -d ${HostIP} -m multiport --dport 23,79,135,139,311,389,445,464,513,548,554,587,593,1025,1026 -m recent --name BadGuy --set -j DROP
# List of temporiary banned, we will remember them too :)
# When seen last 60 seconds
${iptables} ${action} INPUT -i ${Interface} -m recent --name TmpBan --update --seconds 60 -j DROP
# When seen 5 time during 600 seconds it's enoph
${iptables} ${action} INPUT -i ${Interface} -s ! ${LocalNet} -m recent --name TmpBan --rcheck --seconds 600 --hitcount 10 -j BadGuy
# When seen 1 time during 1200 seconds it's good
${iptables} ${action} INPUT -i ${Interface} -m recent --name TmpBan --rcheck --seconds 3600 --hitcount 1 -j GoodGuy
# When TTL of the current packet matches that of the packet which hit the --set rule. DoS!
${iptables} ${action} INPUT -i ${Interface} -m recent --name TmpBan --update --rttl -j DROP

# Bad TCP packets we don't want.
${iptables} ${action} INPUT -p TCP -j BadTcp

# Rules for incoming packets from local computer:
${iptables} ${action} INPUT -p ALL -i ${LoopInterface} -d ${HostIP} -m conntrack --ctstate NEW,ESTABLISHED,RELATED -j ACCEPT
${iptables} ${action} INPUT -p ALL -i ${Interface} -s ${HostIP} -m conntrack --ctstate NEW,ESTABLISHED,RELATED -j ACCEPT

# Rules for broadcast
if ?span> <span class="hl opt">
    # In Microsoft Networks you will be swamped by broadcasts. These lines will prevent them from showing up in the logs.
    ${iptables} ${action} INPUT -p UDP -i ${Interface} -d ${BroadcastIP} --dport 135:139 -j DROP

    ${iptables} ${action} INPUT -p ALL -i ${Interface} -d ${BroadcastIP} -j ACCEPT

# Rules for multicasts
# If you have a Microsoft Network on the outside of your firewall, you may also get flooded by Multicasts. We drop them so we do not get flooded by logs
${iptables} ${action} INPUT -i ${Interface} -d -j DROP

# Cache bad guy UDP
${iptables} ${action} INPUT -p UDP -i ${Interface} -s ! ${LocalNet} -d ${HostIP} -m multiport --dport 19,23,79,135,139,445,1025,1026 -m recent --name BadGuy --set -j DROP

# Packets for established conections
# Rules for incoming packets from Internet
${iptables} ${action} INPUT -p ALL -i ${Interface} -s 0/0 -d ${HostIP} -m conntrack --ctstate ESTABLISHED,RELATED -j ACCEPT

#TCP rules

### FTP DATA 20 # FTP 21 # SHH 22 # MTA 25 # DNS 53 # HTTP 80 HTTPS 443
${iptables} ${action} INPUT -p TCP -i ${Interface} -s 0/0 -d ${HostIP} -m multiport --dport 20,21,22,25,53,80,443 -j TCPRules

### TFTP 69,1758 # NFS 111,2049 # CUPS 631 # SWAT 901 # rndc 953 # mysql 3306 # distccd 3632 # privoxy 8118 # tor 9050
${iptables} ${action} INPUT -p TCP -i ${Interface} -s ${LocalNet} -d ${HostIP} -m multiport --dport 69,111,631,901,953,1758,2049,3306,3632,8118,9050 -j TCPRules

# for monitoring
${iptables} ${action} INPUT -p TCP -i ${Interface} -s ${monitoring_Server} -d ${HostIP} -m multiport --dport 9045,9046,9047,9048,9049 -j TCPRules

# Loging acces to other TCP ports
${iptables} ${action} INPUT -p TCP -i ${Interface} -m limit --limit 5/m -j LOG --log-prefix "iptables tcp? INPUT" --log-tcp-options --log-ip-options

# UDP rules

### DNS
${iptables} ${action} INPUT -p UDP -i ${Interface} -s 0/0 -d ${HostIP} -m multiport --dport domain -m conntrack --ctstate NEW,ESTABLISHED,RELATED -j ACCEPT

###incoming from:# DNS 53 # NTP 123 # multimedia appl 2074,4000
${iptables} ${action} INPUT -p UDP -i ${Interface} -s 0/0 -d ${HostIP} -m multiport --sport 53,123,2074,4000 -m conntrack --ctstate NEW,ESTABLISHED,RELATED -j ACCEPT

### DHCP
case "${DHCP}" in
    'server' )
    # For DHCP server
    ${iptables} ${action} INPUT -p UDP -i ${Interface} --dport 67 --sport 68 -j ACCEPT
    'client' )
    # Information pertaining to DHCP over the Internet, if needed.
    ${iptables} ${action} INPUT -p UDP -i ${Interface} -s $DHCP_SERVER --sport 67 --dport 68 -j ACCEPT
    'static' )
    # If we get DHCP requests from the Outside of our network, our logs will be swamped as well. This rule will block them from getting logged.
    ${iptables} ${action} INPUT -p UDP -i ${Interface} -d --dport 67:68 -j DROP

### TFTP 69,1758 # NFS 111,2049 # NTP 123 # multimedia appl 2074,4000
${iptables} ${action} INPUT -p UDP -i ${Interface} -s ${LocalNet} -d ${HostIP} -m multiport --dport 69,111,123,1758,2049,2074,4000 -m conntrack --ctstate NEW,ESTABLISHED,RELATED -j ACCEPT

# Loging acces to other UDP ports
${iptables} ${action} INPUT -p UDP -i ${Interface} -m limit --limit 5/m -j LOG --log-prefix "iptables udp? INPUT " --log-ip-options

#ICMP rules


# echo reply (ping)
${iptables} ${action} INPUT -p ICMP -i ${Interface} -s 0/0 -d ${HostIP} --icmp-type 8 -j ACCEPT

# time to live (traceroute)
${iptables} ${action} INPUT -p ICMP -i ${Interface} -s 0/0 -d ${HostIP} --icmp-type 11 -j ACCEPT

# Loging other ICMP
${iptables} ${action} INPUT -p ICMP -i ${Interface} -m limit --limit 3/minute --limit-burst 3 -j LOG --log-level DEBUG --log-prefix "iptables icmp? INPUT "

# Bann all IP which try acces to other
${iptables} ${action} INPUT -i ${Interface} -s ! ${LocalNet} -m recent --name TmpBan --set -j DROP

#(3) FORWARD chain rules

# Bad TCP packets we don't want.
#${iptables} ${action} FORWARD -p TCP -j BadTcp

# ACCEPT packets we wont to forward

# Loging incorect FORWARD
${iptables} ${action} FORWARD -i ${Interface} -m limit --limit 5/m --limit-burst 3 -j LOG --log-prefix "iptables FORWARD" --log-tcp-options --log-ip-options

# Bann all IP which try acces to other
${iptables} ${action} FORWARD -i ${Interface} -s ! ${LocalNet} -m recent --name TmpBan --set -j DROP

# (4) OUTPUT chain rules

# Bad TCP packets we don't want.
#${iptables} ${action} OUTPUT -p TCP -j BadTcp

#Only output packets from local addresses no spoofing
${iptables} ${action} OUTPUT -p ALL -o ${LoopInterface} -s ${HostIP} -d 0/0 -m conntrack --ctstate NEW,ESTABLISHED,RELATED -j ACCEPT
#Only output packets from spasial users!!! It betare do in selinux...
${iptables} ${action} OUTPUT -p ALL -o ${Interface} -s ${HostIP} -d 0/0 -m owner --uid-owner amanda -m conntrack --ctstate NEW,ESTABLISHED,RELATED -j ACCEPT
${iptables} ${action} OUTPUT -p ALL -o ${Interface} -s ${HostIP} -d 0/0 -m owner --uid-owner apache -m conntrack --ctstate NEW,ESTABLISHED,RELATED -j ACCEPT
${iptables} ${action} OUTPUT -p ALL -o ${Interface} -s ${HostIP} -d 0/0 -m owner --uid-owner cluster -m conntrack --ctstate NEW,ESTABLISHED,RELATED -j ACCEPT
${iptables} ${action} OUTPUT -p ALL -o ${Interface} -s ${HostIP} -d 0/0 -m owner --uid-owner dhcp -m conntrack --ctstate NEW,ESTABLISHED,RELATED -j ACCEPT
${iptables} ${action} OUTPUT -p ALL -o ${Interface} -s ${HostIP} -d 0/0 -m owner --uid-owner distcc -m conntrack --ctstate NEW,ESTABLISHED,RELATED -j ACCEPT
${iptables} ${action} OUTPUT -p ALL -o ${Interface} -s ${HostIP} -d 0/0 -m owner --uid-owner ftp -m conntrack --ctstate NEW,ESTABLISHED,RELATED -j ACCEPT
${iptables} ${action} OUTPUT -p ALL -o ${Interface} -s ${HostIP} -d 0/0 -m owner --uid-owner ldap -m conntrack --ctstate NEW,ESTABLISHED,RELATED -j ACCEPT
${iptables} ${action} OUTPUT -p ALL -o ${Interface} -s ${HostIP} -d 0/0 -m owner --uid-owner monitoring -m conntrack --ctstate NEW,ESTABLISHED,RELATED -j ACCEPT
${iptables} ${action} OUTPUT -p ALL -o ${Interface} -s ${HostIP} -d 0/0 -m owner --uid-owner mysql -m conntrack --ctstate NEW,ESTABLISHED,RELATED -j ACCEPT
${iptables} ${action} OUTPUT -p ALL -o ${Interface} -s ${HostIP} -d 0/0 -m owner --uid-owner named -m conntrack --ctstate NEW,ESTABLISHED,RELATED -j ACCEPT
${iptables} ${action} OUTPUT -p ALL -o ${Interface} -s ${HostIP} -d 0/0 -m owner --uid-owner privoxy -m conntrack --ctstate NEW,ESTABLISHED,RELATED -j ACCEPT
${iptables} ${action} OUTPUT -p ALL -o ${Interface} -s ${HostIP} -d 0/0 -m owner --uid-owner postfix -m conntrack --ctstate NEW,ESTABLISHED,RELATED -j ACCEPT
${iptables} ${action} OUTPUT -p ALL -o ${Interface} -s ${HostIP} -d 0/0 -m owner --uid-owner radiusd -m conntrack --ctstate NEW,ESTABLISHED,RELATED -j ACCEPT
${iptables} ${action} OUTPUT -p ALL -o ${Interface} -s ${HostIP} -d 0/0 -m owner --uid-owner rpc -m conntrack --ctstate NEW,ESTABLISHED,RELATED -j ACCEPT
${iptables} ${action} OUTPUT -p ALL -o ${Interface} -s ${HostIP} -d 0/0 -m owner --uid-owner squid -m conntrack --ctstate NEW,ESTABLISHED,RELATED -j ACCEPT
${iptables} ${action} OUTPUT -p ALL -o ${Interface} -s ${HostIP} -d 0/0 -m owner --uid-owner sshd -m conntrack --ctstate NEW,ESTABLISHED,RELATED -j ACCEPT
${iptables} ${action} OUTPUT -p ALL -o ${Interface} -s ${HostIP} -d 0/0 -m owner --uid-owner tor -m conntrack --ctstate NEW,ESTABLISHED,RELATED -j ACCEPT
#${iptables} ${action} OUTPUT -p ALL -o ${Interface} -s ${HostIP} -d 0/0 -m owner --uid-owner root -m conntrack --ctstate NEW,ESTABLISHED,RELATED -j ACCEPT
#${iptables} ${action} OUTPUT -p ALL -o ${Interface} -s ${HostIP} -d 0/0 -m owner --uid-owner ebuild -m conntrack --ctstate NEW,ESTABLISHED,RELATED -j ACCEPT
#${iptables} ${action} OUTPUT -p ALL -o ${Interface} -s ${HostIP} -d 0/0 -m owner --cmd-owner /usr/bin/wget -m conntrack --ctstate NEW,ESTABLISHED,RELATED -j ACCEPT

#Output packets from all local appl
#${iptables} ${action} OUTPUT -p ALL -o ${Interface} -s ${HostIP} -d 0/0 -m conntrack --ctstate NEW,ESTABLISHED,RELATED -j ACCEPT

#for spoofing edit next line
#${iptables} ${action} OUTPUT -p ALL -o ${Interface} -s ${SpoofingHostIP} -j ACCEPT

# Loging incorect OUTPUT
${iptables} ${action} OUTPUT -o ${Interface} -m limit --limit 5/m -j LOG --log-prefix "iptables OUTPUT " --log-tcp-options --log-ip-options

# (1 Delete) User-defined chains

#  II   *****************       MANGLE TABEL ruls         *****************************

# (0) Policies (default)

${iptables} -t mangle -P PREROUTING ACCEPT
${iptables} -t mangle -P INPUT ACCEPT
${iptables} -t mangle -P FORWARD ACCEPT
${iptables} -t mangle -P OUTPUT ACCEPT
${iptables} -t mangle -P POSTROUTING ACCEPT

# (1) Mangel USER define chain rules

# (2) Mangel PREROUTING chain rules

# Rules for incoming packets from local computer

# Rules for incoming packets from Internet

# (3) Mangel INPUT chain rules

# (4) Mangel FORWARD chain rules

# (5) Mangel OUTPUT chain rules

# (6) Mangel POSTROUTING chain rules

#Only output packets from local addresses no spoofing

#for spoofing edit next line

# Rules for outgoing packets to Internet

#  III  *****************         NAT TABEL ruls          *******************************

# (0) Policies (default)

${iptables} -t nat -P PREROUTING DROP

# (1) NAT USER define chain rules


#Pacets from INTERNET

# Maping to external address use socks5

#Redirection to different port on this server

#Packet from internet (Interface)


# Rules for incoming packets from local computer and broadcast
# Rules for incoming packets from Internet
${iptables} -t nat ${action} PREROUTING -p ALL -d ${HostIP} -m conntrack --ctstate NEW,ESTABLISHED,RELATED -j ACCEPT

#Only output packets from local addresses no spoofing
${iptables} -t nat ${action} PREROUTING -p ALL -s ${HostIP} -m conntrack --ctstate NEW,ESTABLISHED,RELATED -j ACCEPT
#for spoofing edit next line
#${iptables} -t nat ${action} PREROUTING -p ALL -s ${SpoofingHostIP} -j ACCEPT

# Loging incorect acces
${iptables} -t nat ${action} PREROUTING -p ALL -i ${Interface} -m limit --limit 5/m --limit-burst 5 -j LOG --log-prefix "iptables nat PREROUTING" --log-tcp-options --log-ip-options

# Bann all IP which try acces to other
${iptables} -t nat ${action} PREROUTING -i ${Interface} -s ! ${LocalNet} -m recent --name TmpBan --set -j DROP

#Only output packets from local addresses no spoofing

# (3) OUTPUT chain rules
#Only output packets from local addresses no spoofing
#for spoofing edit next line


# NetWork address translation (NAT or MASQUERADE)


# Rules for incoming packets from local computer:

# Rules for broadcast:

# Rules for incoming packets from Internet

#Only output packets from local addresses no spoofing

#for spoofing edit next line

#  IV  *****************         RAW TABEL ruls          *******************************

# (0) Policies (default)

#${iptables} -t raw -P PREROUTING ACCEPT
#${iptables} -t raw -P OUTPUT ACCEPT

# (1) Mangel USER define chain rules

# (2) Mangel PREROUTING chain rules

# Rules for incoming packets from local computer

# Rules for incoming packets from Internet

# (3) Mangel OUTPUT chain rules

exit 0