19. Інструменти
Експорт біблографічних записів у MARC
Click on this to get a rough backup of your bibliographic records OR get an export you can send to a friend. I use it to backup my records by clicking on MARC biblio export and then NOT filling anything in, so that ALL of my records are saved to a file. Clicking export will download all of your records to whatever path you have as a download default if you’re using a Mac. If you’re on a Windows machine, a download window will pop up. You then select a folder you want, and Koha will put a file called marc.pl
there. I believe that the location ends up showing in these records, so they aren’t precisely clean.
If you want to send just a record or two, you need to adjust the range to reflect what records you want to export.
Exporting copies information OUT of the database and assigns it to a file - Importing puts information FROM a file INTO the database.
Завантаження МАРК-записів у розплідник
You will see this option a lot, so get used to it. After you’ve found your wily MARC record, click on Завантаження МАРК-записів у розплідник to actually get it into the Коха-розплідник. The breeding farm is a pool of records that you’ve uploaded into Koha in order to link those records to materials that you own. There are two big steps to adding a record to your catalogue. This is step one. I’ll go into this more in the next section Adding an Actual Item to Koha.
You need to remember where you’ve stored your MARC record on your computer. Then hit Choose File to browse for your file. Click on it when you find it, and that will take you back to this screen, and there will be a path to the file displayed.
You can name your record. This is useful if you have a paperback ISBN and a hardcover, or two files for the same item, or if you want to be anal retentive. I don’t name my files most of the time, so feel free to leave this blank.
Next, select your flavour of MARC. Make sure this is consistent with the other times Koha asked this.
Finally, there are 2 radio buttons. These relate to what will happen if Koha finds an item with the same ISBN in the breeding farm. Usually, I keep this set to “Ignore this one, keep the existing one.” That way, if I try to import the same record, Koha doesn’t add another breeding record to the pool. Sometimes, I set the radio button to “Overwrite the existing one with this.”
Sometimes when I go to link the actual MARC record, I notice that it is missing fields, or an Audiobook record that I fetched is digital instead of analogue, et cetera. So I go back, find a new MARC record that is better suited to the item I have in my Library, and then select this option to overwrite the old record.
Koha can only import one file at a time. It is possible to save multiple MARC records in a single file.
When you click Імпорт, you will see a screen that confirms that a certain number of records were imported into the breeding farm. This is where it will tell you if something is already in Koha.
I’ve noticed that when you use III Innopac records, you get an extra record for your breeding farm. So if you saved 6 records in your search, Koha will think that there are 7. I believe that this is because III adds a proprietary junk record to your saved search. Otherwise, it’s nothing to worry about.